Monday 24 May 2010

The Forgotten Soldiers

We remember The Fallen, but don't forget the living, those suffering Combat PTSD, as they have injuries, but just because their injuries aren't always visible doesn't mean they don't exist. A RANT - GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I hate people who criticise our soldiers, as they joined up , of their own free will, rather than being conscripted. My brother for one, seems to think combat PTSD is not a reall illness, or people can just brush it off. I'd love for him to get his civvy arse out to Afghanistan, and then tell me combat PTSD is not a real illness, as i'm sure he couldn't handle it. Also what about women, who have suffered rape/child sexual abuse as girls, is their PTSD not real. PTSD is NOT an excuse just to claim benefits and not work. Much as I like my brother, I'd like to see what reaction he gets if he was to tell some of my (ex )Army friends, and their army mates combat their PTSD isn't real. Makes me so angry when people say PTSD isn't real, YES It FUCKING IS!!!!!!!!

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